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Predictronics Co-Founders


NOVEMBER 19, 2018

Predictronics’ Co-Founder, Professor Jay Lee, was recently recognized by the Ohio Faculty Council (OFC) in Columbus, Ohio as the runner-up for this year’s Technology Commercialization Award.

The OFC Technology Commercialization Award is presented annually to a state university faculty member for their breakthroughs in research and the real-world marketable applications that have emerged from their discoveries and innovation.

Lee was celebrated for his leadership at the University of Cincinnati Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems and for his work in the field of predictive analytics and industrial AI.

Specifically, he was awarded for creating Watchdog Agent®, a collection of machine learning and AI software tools developed for industrial applications.

Watchdog Agent® can be customized to monitor and predict the health of critical machines, products, and processes.

The application of these tools also extends far beyond the industrial, reaching users in countless fields, such as energy generation, transportation, healthcare, and more.

Jay Lee has been an Ohio Eminent Scholar, L. W. Scott Alter Chair Professor, and the Director of the NSF Industry University Cooperative Research Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) at the University of Cincinnati since 2005.

In 2013, he partnered with his IMS colleagues, Dr. Edzel Lapira, Predictronics CEO; Dr. David Siegel, Predictronics CTO; and Patrick Brown, Predictronics CFO, to create Predictronics, a spin-off that harnesses the mature technologies researched and developed at the University of Cincinnati. These technologies apply predictive analytics to real-world industry problems, such as production downtime, asset health, process optimization, and product quality. The goal of these data-driven solutions is to save companies money, time, and resources.

Watchdog Agent® was integral to the founding of Predictronics and its concept informed the creation of our end-to-end PDX platform.

Team Predictronics is proud to see Professor Lee recognized for his exceptional work.

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